Every platform worker a personal
GigCV is an easy tool for anyone working in or gaining work experience in the gig economy. With this open standard, you will be able to easily download your own reputation and transaction data, which serves as proof of your work experience and skills on connected platforms.
Affiliated platforms

About GigCV
More and more people are gaining experience through their work via online platforms in the gig economy. These platforms make it easier to enter the labor market and the experience gained from platform work is a valuable asset in finding other employment.
It has been difficult to utilize reputation and transaction data as a proof of work experience, as gig platforms have historically kept data strictly to themselves. In order to strengthen the position of platform workers on the labor market, gig platforms have come to an agreement on how to share data on transactions and reputations with workers. They consider this a logical next step, as they regard this data as belonging to the workers, not the platforms.
Four gig platforms are leading by example with GigCV. More than 50,000 gig workers now have access to their data and build a resume. GigCV is a package of an open standard, tools and documentation in which agreements regarding the sharing of data are defined. Initiators encourage all other (digital) mediators to join in.
Anyone working via one of the affiliated platforms will be able to download a digital certificate with the click of a button. This GigCV will represent proof of their work experience and customer satisfaction.
The concept's foundation
Independent platform expert Martijn Arets is the initiator of GigCV. He has explored the concept of reputation data portability for platform workers in 2020 and 2021. This research is funded by UWV, FNV, Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, Seats2Meet, YoungOnes, Freshheads, the European Trade Union Institute, and Jobtech Gig (an initiative of the Swedish Labor Bureau). Results of this research are fundamental to the GigCV concept.
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